If you owe more money than is in your bank, you must complete the debt with properties. You may only ever pay debt with cards in front of you – never from your hand! There is no change allowed in the game.
You may only have 7 cards at the end of your turn – if you have an extra, you must discard down to seven.Īll cards can function as cash if added to the bank. A turn can consist of adding money to your bank, adding properties to your collection or playing an Action card. On your turn, you draw 2 cards and can play up to three cards from your hand. To start the game, every player takes five cards. The aim of the game is to collect 3 different complete colour Property sets. Monopoly Deal is a card game produced by Hasbro (Cartamundi between 20).
Monopoly Cash Decoder / Crooked Cash (2021).Monopoly Super Mario Celebration! (2020).Monopoly Super Electronic Banking (2020).Monopoly Here & Now World Edition (2015).1940s – 50s: The Era of the Mini Box & World War II.80th Anniversary Event (2015) – Monopoly History.